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Adriana Diaz

Increasing amount of providers and services require deposits. When it comes to booking a hair appointment, booking with a tattoo artist, getting on a fitness plan with a personal trainer.

When individuals especially personal service base industries, it is the new norm to require deposits while booking. Deposits keeps everyone accountable. Clients know that their deposit secures the appoints and providers know that deposits place a value on their time. Deposits is deducted from the service total at the completion of the appointment. Just because this is sex work does not mean we do not take our professionalism serious. With my increasing presences on social media and my lengthy detail professional website I have no desire, not holding my end of the bargain. Deposits decrease the amount of "grandma passed away," "got in a car accident." and simply scares away fantasy bookers. Yes life does happens and deposits are non-refunable, yes I will allow you to reschedule if you give me proper notice.

Yes if the event I was to cancel I would refund you your total amount and allow you to book again. Deposits allow providers to reduce the financial risks and burdens of cancellations. At this level, it would make no sense for a professional to run off with your deposit. Firstly, it is typically only a fraction of the full rate they will receive upon meeting. Secondly, a provider can easily be slandered for running off with people’s money. The detrimental impact of this on one’s business and livelihood is not worth a couple hundred, (or even thousand) dollars. It takes a lot of hard work and time to build a positive presence and reputation in this work. Your deposit is not worth risking one’s hard-earned reputation.

If you worry about card transaction statements, This is often easily remedied by purchasing a Visa or MasterCard gift card in the deposit amount and paying with that.

Deposits helps me buy products I may need to add for appointment, secure hotel location and covers the cost coming to you.

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