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Did you know? 5 Amazing facts about erotic massages ;-)

Adriana Diaz
  1. Skin is the biggest organ of the human body. This very unique organ covers a total of 18 to 20 square metres and every square inch contains close to a 1000 nerve endings that transfers every tactile sensation to the brain. A healthy skin is essential for the overall health of the human body. It's a barrier against bacterias and infections, it helps regulate the internal temperatures and is an incredible source of pleasure.

  2. Massage can trigger an hormones galore in the brain! This activity transmits to your brain a message that helps the release of 3 important hormones related to happiness, love and pleasure: Serotonine, Oxytocine & Dopamine.

  3. In your brain, a massage gives the same kind of pleasure as sex. In other words, when you receive a massage the dopamine levels increase. Dopamine is a neurotransmetter in charge of the brain's reward system. Other kind of situations are known to release high levels of dopamine : having sex, when you take alcool, drugs or even when you eat sugar.

  4. The more "erotic" kind of massage take its roots in Buddhism. In ancient Eastern cultures, Buddhism brought a new will to combine body and mind as one entity. As early as 1800 BC, there are mentions of "Ayurvedic Massage", a form of massage that focuses on sensuality.

  5. Hippocrates, better known as the father of medecine, was a massage fan. In his days, massage was part of everyday life and commonly used in publics baths and antique termes. It was used to relax the body, but also as a medical tool against infection and other illness.

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